无论是受限制的安装条件,恶劣的环境条件,或特殊的输入或输出电压:特殊设计和应用的电源单元确保可靠和高效的电源供应,即使受到异常需求。由于其紧凑的设计,它们可以完美地集成到现有的装置中。SITOP PSU3800电源由于其恒流特性,是电池充电的理想选择。对于其他应用,输出特性也可以切换到闭锁关闭。三相,宽范围输入使它们能够在世界范围内使用。超薄的设计要求在DIN导轨上的空间很小。安装时不需要安装间隙。高效率使散热和能耗降至最低。LED和隔离信号触点指示输出电压的状态。即使您需要特殊的电源,也有合适的SITOP电源可用。 The wide variety of special designs and switched-mode power supplies optimized for special requirements includes power supplies for many use cases – whether for restricted installation conditions, complex areas of application, or special installation types and functionalities. Well-equipped for all eventualities ... ... with a wide range of power supplies in special designs and for special applications SITOP power supplies also meet unusual requirements.