2轨道SITRANS FUE380是SITRANS FUS380的托管转移批准版本。它可以在各个国家验证和密封使用。这些批准(MID, EN 1434和OIML R75)对能源计量系统有效。电池或市电供电的SITRANS FUE380有一个显示器,显示各种测量值和诊断。此外,它还具有一个IrDA光接口,用于与SIMATIC PDM通信,用于数据传输。可选附加RS 232和RS 485模块包括MODBUS RTU协议。SITRANS FUE380流量计由传感器和变送器组成。有关发射机的详细信息请参见SITRANS FUS080。流量计可以与能量计算器结合使用,参见SITRANS FUE950。应用实例: For custody transfer applications in District heating plants, Local networks, Boiler stations, Substations, Chiller plants, Irrigation plants and other general water applications Benefits Flexibility to customize your perfect flowmeter solution Designed to provide accurate high-resolution energy measurement Provides uncompromising performance for high volume, water-based applications Approved according to the MID directive and is designed and approved for custody transfer Custody transfer sealed to ensure total data security