AZUD DW生态是一个自来水厂。它用于从地下水获得饮用水,表面和海水。水是提供给城镇和紧急情况。工厂提供了保证高质量的饮用水供应。不是什么秘密,高质量的水可以拯救生命,防止疫情爆发。植物也可以操作与太阳能等替代能源。因此,消耗很少的力量。它有太阳能电池板,这使它自给自足时能源需求。此外,它有两个电池,提供独立运营的16个小时没有太阳能。AZUD DW生态有三个版本。 AZUD ECO FW for sources of fresh water supply, AZUD ECO BW for sources of salty water supply, and AZUD ECO SW for sources of sea water supply. The AZUD DW ECO plant is an immediate solution. It is sturdy, compact, cost-effective, environment-friendly, easily movable, and free of any installation or maintenance costs. With the plant, water can be treated onsite without any water and electric supply.