LVDT压力表探头|窄体位移传感器- A6G•6mm直径LVDT位移传感器(压力表探头)•±1mm位移传感器测量范围•线性度优于0.5%的精度测量•重复性精度优于0.05 μ m•标准接触传感器尖端力0.7N(可选)•接触传感器尖端范围可用•弹簧驱动•IP65密封•感应传感器具有出色的侧负载能力•线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)或Half Bridge options The A6G range of Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and half bridge displacement sensors offer all of the performance of standard 8 mm diameter displacement transducers but are only 6 mm diameter. This allows these contact sensors to be packed closely together for accurate measurement of small features. Solartron Metrology contact sensors, LVDT probes or displacement sensors provide the gauge builder with the most cost effective solution for a range of dimensional precision measurement and positioning applications.