OMD-677用于测量低于1ppm区域的微量氧。该装置结合了一套先进的电子功能与我们的,行业领先的,精密电化学氧传感器技术。结果是一个高度可靠和成本效益的设计,易于使用的用户界面。该分析仪配备0 - 1ppm全量程低范围,分辨率为0.001 PPM。该分析仪还可以配置为0 - 1ppm, 0 - 10ppm, 0 - 100ppm, 0 - 1000ppm和0 - 25%在自动量程或手动量程模式。分析仪为用户提供2种不同的数字通信选择,两者都是双向的。这是以MODBUS RS485 ASCII或RS232的形式出现的。报警功能以2个完全可调形式C非闭锁继电器触点的方式出现。这些可以配置为NO或NC,可以设置为HIGH或LOW,具有可选的延迟模式。电源故障报警也是标准的,它是C型非闭锁继电器触点。 The oxygen sensor used in the OMD-677 is based on the galvanic electrochemical fuel cell principal. All oxygen sensors are manufactured in house by Southland Sensing Ltd. under a strict quality program. The standard cell is unaffected by other background gases such as H2, He, or Hydrocarbons. The optional acidic cell works well when acid gases such as CO2 or Natural Gas are present. Applications: - Air Liquefaction and Separation - Pure, Gaseous Hydrocarbon Stream Monitoring - Gas Purity Certification - Process Monitoring of Gaseous Monomers - Semiconductor Manufacturing - Protective Atmosphere Blanketing of Feedstock