•电池:强大的锂电池,可正常工作8小时。•阀体:坚固的玻璃填充尼龙,防破碎。•最友好的应用程序。•无限的设计可以存储在智能手机或类似的设备。•只有一个设计存储用于标记。•密码保护的设计模式和生产模式。升级到PRO版本,支持高级条形码解析。MNSB-155,最新加入的MNSB系列。这个标记重仅3.5公斤,可以安装一个标准电池,适合任何Makita工具。非常适合标记非常大的部件,如底盘,发动机,法兰,管道,原材料棒等。MNSB-155可与任何支持wifi的设备无缝连接。 User can connect own mobile to machine and create a design with our advanced mobile app. User can transfer the design using WiFi and begin work in no time. Its unique in app locking feature prevents for highest security. A MNSB-155 launcher app ensures usage of mobile device as a dedicated terminal. Once user transfers the design device connectivity is not required that saves power as well. User can create Datamatrix codes, Shift Codes, Dates Codes as well as customized codes effortlessly.