DMU系列可能达到zero-backlash与高精度特点:1。封闭齿轮箱专门设计的机械能够消除间隙的齿轮和齿轮箱内部和之间的机架。这完全补充和清除制造的反弹或/和安装在变速箱传动齿轮和机架。节省机械预加载系统,由一个伺服电机,可以达到电气预加载系统的目标,成本节省控制器和驱动程序。反对取消允许处理工具跟踪稳定,延长刀具寿命。2。容易设置参数设置可以更容易封闭机械预加载系统,由一个伺服电机,电气预加载系统。3所示。反对减少使改善加工表面平滑度和准确性。4所示。 Huge Torsional Rigidity For the well-designed structure and high duty material of taper roller bearing, the output shaft of the reducer can bear the huge axial and radial load, which could be wide application. 5. Precise Positioning Precision gear grinding tooth surface smooth, precise tooth. For an excellent design, high accuracy and low moments of inertia. 6. Efficiency >93%