DHW系列生物质锅炉是单汽包卧式斜往复式炉排锅炉,往复式炉排的倾斜角为15°。该加热炉为膜壁结构,炉膛出口设有排渣管,炉膛出口烟气温度降至800℃以下,低于飞灰熔点,防止飞灰结渣在过热器上。冷却渣管后有高温过热器、低温过热器、省煤器和空气预热器,两个过热器之间有喷雾式减温器。空气预热后的烟气温度为160℃。DHW系列生物质锅炉可产生低压蒸汽,额定蒸发量10 ~ 65吨/小时,额定压力1.25 ~ 9.8 MPa。设计的热效率高达82%。特点:1。由于生物质燃料容易结渣,往复式炉排的不断运动避免了结渣。2.生物质燃料具有密度小、灰粒小、易于随烟气流动的特点,因此设计了高炉膛、小流速的生物质燃料。 3. Secondary air ensures that the fuel’s standing time in the furnace makes the fuel burn out in the furnace. 4. The arch is used to strengthen the mixture of airflow in the furnace and organize the thermal radiation and hot flue gas flow in the furnace. 5. To avoid soot formation, the pitch of convection heating surface shall be in-line arrangement. 6. The convection bank has acoustic wave soot blower, which may remove the soot, and cleaning door is equipped.