.18.5“TFT液晶P盖触摸屏。英特尔赛扬1047UE 2M缓存1.4 GHz。VOIP手持电话和摇篮电话。内置扬声器的500万像素网络摄像头。可选RFID,光学扫描仪,和第二智能IC阅读器。EN60601-1证书带抗菌涂层信息娱乐是医疗保健床边终端的未来计算标准。无风扇的TME-2240-19旨在满足您的一体化计算机需求,并能够取代电视,电话和在医疗环境中可能不安全的个人设备。医学EN 60601-1认证,具有抗菌表面,该床边终端满足医疗保健行业的计算需求和患者的娱乐需求。配有网络电话、网络摄像头、可选的RFID阅读器、内置扬声器和LED阅读灯,这款医疗信息娱乐电脑涵盖了通信的各个领域。 Providing patients with great entertainment through the HD Graphics, high resolution screen and quick processor that can handle gaming and videos while at the same time meeting medical equipment standards is essential for medical infotainment computers. The TME-2240-19 is sure to become the trusted work horse of your medical care facility. You and your patients will wonder what you ever did without it.