便携式2750型准确可靠地测量氢冷却汽轮发电机维护清洗期间的二氧化碳中的氢和二氧化碳中的空气。这些测量保证了净化过程的快速、高效和有效。仪器上的开关可选量程使选择所需的测量变得容易。此外,2750还具有第三个范围,提醒用户氢气冷却气体中的空气泄漏,从而有助于确保发电机正常运行时的最佳效率。传感器结构由一个集成加热器组成,该加热器位于薄的电隔热膜上。两个薄膜电阻器用于加热和测量薄膜的温度。在薄膜旁边的硅上集成了两个电阻,以补偿环境温度的变化。密度比空气低的气体(CH4)表面膜温度降低。密度高于空气(CO2)的气体会增加测量电阻的温度。2750是一款坚固耐用,便携式,易于使用的气体分析仪,可监测吹扫气体和氢冷却涡轮发电机中的冷却气体。 Three selectable ranges monitor purge gas composition during maintenance purging and spot-checks hydrogen purity during normal generator operation. The portability of the unit eliminates installation costs and makes it easy to move between generators. There are no moving parts to wear out, no filters to change and no traps to clean; so, the 2750 is virtually maintenance free. A simple periodic calibration is all that is needed to assure years of trouble-free service.