•独特的映射函数让你校准温度(300°C)或直接电压(220 v)。•iCal多功能校准器和任意函数发生器。•来源:马oma (4 - 2), V(0到15 V, 0到7 omv),赫兹,正弦波,方波,三角波,截断正弦波、用户可编程波形和温度为11个类型的热电偶。•测量:电流(mA),电压(V, mV)和温度(°C或°F)。•可编程温度热电偶冷端补偿允许用户调整输出和测量。•可编程容易25% 0%和100%值阶跃函数。•输出错误警告当输出短路或打开。•为电压输出短路保护。•清晰和简单的用户界面(数值键垫、滑动开关、点阵模块与背光)。•电压、频率、脉宽调制频宽比(方波和triangula r波),和抵消赫兹是可编程的功能。 • Frequency range (0.3Hz to 20KHz) covers application of audio band (speaker, MP3, MD etc.) • Auto-step and auto-ramp functions can quickly perform linear test. • PC can program calibrator through USB port. • Data logging with programmable sampling time (Ors255 sec.) and memory of 4000 records. • Rechargeable lithium battery (1600mAH) with built-in charging circuit. • Calibration results (source & measure) can be saved in memory (2000 records). Then users download them to a PC for documentation. • To distinguish calibration data at different locations, data can be saved under different file narnes.