2604W,泵控制,2″滑动插座,1.0 GPM递减流量,-14.7至150 PSIG, -20°F至+ 122°F•- Ha3水密帽超过标准应变缓解。•-第6页提供2个滑动端口/适配器。•-流量设定点可达6.0 GPM。•-用于清洁的Ea3y di3总成的锁定线。•-锁定盖,以保护意外拔插。•-校准@ 0.5 GPM降低Flov/。•-专利的拍板设计,允许Bypa33模式Flov/更多的设置点。•-真流量开关设计使用SST返回弹簧用于任何安装姿态。•-专利设计的SST挡板降低AP和Open3到Pas3高流量。•-输入120伏/输出120伏10A 1/2马力。 • - Also Available In 240 VAC Input/Output This pump control is an enhanced model of our tried and true model 2601. This model features 4 weather-proof receptacles, the brown outlets are switched by the flow switch while the ivory receptacles remain constant. The benefit with this is that you can still control a chemical injection pump and another switch device, while also having additional constantly powered outlets for things like timers and other circuits that constantly need power. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Weight - 4 lbs Dimensions - 12 × 7 × 8 in