呼吸干净的空气是健康生活的一个基本组成部分。成年人每天吸入高达15000升的空气,甚至儿童数量的两倍。然而,空气不只是空气!污染物和空气中的过敏原损害我们的幸福就像太干或太湿空气。不健康的室内空气会减少我们的生产力。在最坏的情况下,它甚至可以导致疾病。经常打折“夏季疲劳”的成年人和称为缺乏集中的儿童经常与室内空气污染。室外空气污染导致空气质量差在室内空间中特别是在繁忙的城市,空气污染并不仅仅停留在前门。每次你打开窗户呼吸新鲜空气,高NO2浓度造成繁忙的交通进入室内空间在哪里的原因影响我们的健康和限制我们的生产力。根据时间,花粉、细菌和通常的“室友”,如屋尘螨和动物的头发添加到集合中。 Mould spores also uncontrollably distribute in the room air, presenting an additional burden to the respiratory tract. Anything than a good basis to enjoy important and precious leisure time with the family. Provide yourself with fresh air for relaxing and breathing freely - removes 95 % of airborne allergens Compact, modern and in trendy matt white colour, the Airgoclean 15 E improves the quality of the breathing air in all rooms of daily interaction.