中等推力范围(250kgf以上)的动力缸,可与交流电源配套使用。本系列可用于各种应用,具有以下特点:制动电机,保持负载强;齿轮减速器,提供低噪音操作;为气缸研制的高效滚珠丝杠;保护其他设备的安全机构;广泛的选择。也可以在户外使用。(电机防护等级IP55)额定推力:2.45~39.2kNTB型有内置湿滑离合器。TC型配备推力检测限位开关。 ・Wide variation A wide range of standard models are available depending on the application, thrust, and speed. You can choose the thrust from between 2.45kN and 39.2 kN, and the speed from 9mm/s and 120mm/s. ・Positive actuation All models use a high-efficiency ball screw, quiet reducer, and reliable brake motor. In addition, a highly-reliable safety device is built into all series so as to work effectively against overload. ・Wide variety of options Two types of stroke adjusting limit switches (external and internal types) and stroke sensors (potentiometer and rotary encoder types) are available, allowing for much easier control by a sequencer.