一般来说,这些类型的破碎机适用于获得适合生产沥青和混凝土的粒度骨料。为了这些目的,立方骨料是首选的,因为有角的和粗糙的表面具有很高的结合性能。冲击式破碎机具有将骨料减少9倍的能力,并获得无薄弱或裂纹点的立方骨料。一般来说,这些类型的破碎机适用于获得适合生产沥青和混凝土的粒度骨料。为了这些目的,立方骨料是首选的,因为有角的和粗糙的表面具有很高的结合性能。冲击式破碎机具有将骨料减少9倍的能力,并获得无薄弱或裂纹点的立方骨料。优点:-即使在零件老化的情况下,仍可连续生产立方料;-高缩径能力;-坚固的身体;-生产力高,能耗低; - Easy maintenance and operation; - Low operating cost. Principe of work Stone crushed in the primary crusher feeds the secondary impact crusher. Aggregate hits to crushing elements in the first zone with the hammers placed on the turning rotor. Even materials that are very difficult to break can be easily broken with the high pressure and crushing power formed in this area. When the crushed material reaches the desired dimensions, it passes to the second zone. If the crushed materials in the first zone are too large to pass into the second one, return back to the first zone with the help of the crushing elements and pass again through to the same process until they are reduced to a suitable size.