立轴破碎机(VSI)生产高质量的骨料,同时提供低耗材成本,由于其工作原理。在骨料生产中,特别是在需要立方材料时,它是非常优选的。它们参与破碎和筛分过程的第三阶段。它能产生极薄的材料。破碎室有两种不同的设计。采用封闭转子的石材缓冲布置是最常用的类型。这种设计用于破碎较硬和高研磨性的材料。维护成本很低。另一种是开放式转子和装甲环缓冲布置。这种类型的设计用于破碎柔软和低磨耗材料。 The size reduction rate is high. The production rate is high. Larger materials can be fed compared to the closed rotor design. ROCK-ON-ROCK Vertical shaft impact crusher or VSI is used as an alternative to tertiary impact crushers. It can be applied in sand quarries, quarries, ready mixed concrete and mining areas. Suitable type for this machine are stones such as hard basalt and medium granite, such as tertiary impact crushers. The main purpose is to obtain aggregates of 0-5 mm (sand) size and cubic shapes. Advantages Obtaining aggregate sizes suitable for concrete and asphalt production; High sand and cubic material capacity. Low operating cost