压缩机采用水冷却,电机驱动。配备自动控制和应急保护系统,可实现手动和自动控制,偏离预设模式时主要参数的目视控制。水油分离器的清洗是自动进行的。冶金中的应用。化学工业。天然气加工和炼油工业。医疗行业。电力工程——发电站(含核电站)、变电站。该压缩机可用于加压容器和管道的气动试验。•-压缩机自动化。They do not require the service personnel to be présent ail the time. • - The compressors are certified in accordance with Russian national standard, with the codes and rules of Gosgortechnadzor (Fédéral Authority of Technical Supervision) of the Russian Fédération and are provided with the certificates of conformance. • - The warranty period of operation is 12 months.