M&G T系列隔膜密封有塑造TFE特富龙®隔膜使它们适合大范围的过程媒体,特别是对于应用程序涉及腐蚀媒体. .类型T系列隔膜密封采用膜片保留两个螺栓之间的成员。在清洗设计,横隔膜位于顶部和中部之间环。纯设计,横隔膜位于顶部和底部之间。隔膜是self-retained上住房方便维修或更换。这扩展了密封的生活元素,并允许方便更换和服务。高层住宅的内部的金属密封隔膜的轮廓,以适应运动最大偏转而减少失真。T型密封元素有一个体积排量.40立方英寸。螺纹密封元素有四个基本版本的T系列隔膜密封螺纹附件。结核病密封元件仅用于压力应用程序,有一个压力等级2500 psig 100°F(172条38°C)。 The TG seal element is similar to the TB seal, except that it has a 1/4 NPT flushing connection. The TA seal element has a standard pressure rating of 2500 psig at 100°F (172 bar at 38°C). The TH seal element is similar to the TA seal element except that it features a 1/4 NPT flushing connection. Flanged Seal Eléments There are two basic versions of flanged T Sériés seal éléments. The flange is a standard raised face style. The TC seal element can be supplied in 1/2” and 3/4" with Class 150 thru 1500 ANSI flange ratings.