线性- LCM -磁致伸缩技术不锈钢─AISI 316 - 1模拟输出,电流或电压。- 2模拟输出,电流和电压。- 2工厂可编程PNP型数字输出。- - - - - - RS485串行输出,Valco协议。——通过专用的手持电脑VSP.130编程,请求——高达9米的长度。——工作压力50条根据使用浮动。-操作环境温度-30 / + 70°C, 90% RH。-标准工作温度高达105°C 150°C工作温度的要求。——最低程度的保护IP67磁致伸缩连续水平发射器的操作是基于物理原理称为魏德曼效应和允许一个连续和精确测量液体的水平。电子单元发送puise波导中包含测量杆; the magnetic float intercepts the puise generating an écho that is detected by the same electronic unit. The elapsing time between the émission of the puise and its récognition is directly proportional to the position of the float, and then to the value of the level to be measured. • - Stainless Steel— AISI 316 • - 1 analog output, current or voltage. • - 2 analog outputs, current and voltage. • - 2 factory programmable PNP digital outputs. • - RS485 serial output, Valco protocol. • - Programming via dedicated handheld computer VSP.130, on request • - Up to 2, 9 m length. • - Working pressure up to 50 bars depending on the used float. • - Operating ambient température -30 / +70 °C, RH 90%. • - Standard working température up to 105 °C 150 °C working température on request. • - Minimum degree of protection IP67.