Vertical safety pumpsets – general description Safety pumpsets have been designed to centralise vacuum in all work environments such as hospitals, laboratories, etc. where vacuum must be guaranteed 24/7. They are composed of: - A vertical welded sheet steel tank with perfect vacuum seal. - Two rotating vane vacuum pumps to be chosen according to the required suction capacity and vacuum level. - Three vacuum switches, of which two for adjusting the vacuum level within which each pump must operate, and one for determining the minimum safety value, under which the alarm sets off. - A vacuum gauge for a direct reading of the vacuum level in the tank. - Two manual valves for pump exclusion. - A manual valve for vacuum interception. - A cock for condensation drainage. - A switchgear enclosed in a special watertight metal casing with switches for automatic or manual pump operation, an alarm device with sound and light signal, alarm-test buttons and hour-counter for counting the hours of actual operation of every single pump.