超声波机柜发生器是大功率超声波清洗工程的完美解决方案。采用模块化超声波发生器TU PCB,可实现恒功率输出和超声波频率自动跟踪。该机柜采用独立的冷却系统和综合布线方案,包括超声发生器电源、超声高频电缆、控制系统、超声发生器通信总线等。1个机柜即可驱动整个大功率超声波清洗罐。安装、操作、维护方便。它非常稳定。更重要的是,它避免了传统解决方案中发电机放置、布线和散热所带来的问题。性能特点适用于大功率超声波应用支持TU/TD PCB安装,自动频率跟踪,恒功率输出单个PCB模块最大超声波功率为2000w3。 Standard 32U cabinet which can include 24pcs PCB module at most 4. Independent module slot design, plug and play 5. Safety protection measurement for each generator module 6. Internal strong and weak electric integrated wiring scheme, convenient for on-site installation 7. Well heat dissipation design to effectively ensure cooling of generator modules and cabinet 8. Support RS485 MODBUS RTU communication 9. Connectable to HMI and PLC 10. Ultrasonic power adjustable and ultrasonic frequency, working current etc can be readable