除了简单的搅拌和混合液体成分外,剪切流搅拌器的应用可用于密集混合和平滑地将干材料与液体均匀均匀。因此,原材料的特性不会被破坏,并且可以在混合物中发展。在烘焙操作中,例如面粉与水,油,酵母和培养物混合到液态海绵和酸面团。不到两分钟后,产生了可以完美处理的同质产品。为了获得更好的水合作用,可以推荐TA 200的面团产量。例如,可以用sheardos生产松饼,晶圆和煎饼的面团。可以将这种混合任务与其他系统结合在一起,或连续实现。设计特性紧凑,稳定和低振动不锈钢结构。圆柱形混合料斗与料斗墙上的代表。 The vertical mixing cylinder has a cone shaped bottom in which the product is discharged. A rotor rotates in the hopper which is driven from above by a geared motor. The mixing process is based on the rotor-stator principle. Cylindrical mixing hopper (stator) in stainless steel (inside ground, outside glass pearl blasted) A hinged door in the hopper wall allows easy inspection and cleaning 60° discharge cone with discharge and connection stud to determine the filling height by a pressure transmitter Additional design features of the ShearDos Drive on top, angle and height adjustable The removable lid allows cleaning from the top Additional design features for the WIP variant (washing in place) Removable filling stud Cleaning heads (target jet cleaner) can manually used from outside