++++通用真空接触器采用真空断路器灭弧频繁连接并切断正常工作电流。常用于6-40.5kV系统交流电机的远距离连接和断开。FVC系列中压真空交流接触器广泛应用于煤炭、电力、冶金、纺织等行业。高层建筑等行业部门。中压真空交流接触器适用于通信:50-60HZ。额定电压:7.2kV/12kV/13.8Kv/15kV/24Kv额定电流63 ~ 630A馈电网络,用于远距离连接和开路,以及频繁启动和停止使用交流电机。特别适用于与各种保护装置组合形成隔爆型电磁起动器。++++产品特点:主电路真空开关管采用国内知名厂家产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋技术成熟,质量可靠,市场信誉好。630A额定电流采用端面与导电夹双作用连接,电阻小,温升低,更可靠。 The conductive row is beautiful, the cross-sectional area is better than that of similar products, and a reinforcing plate is installed at the upper end of the fixed-end conductive row to strengthen the connection strength between the copper row and the vacuum tube and prevent the damage caused by copper row deformation. Electromagnetic system It adopts a closed structure and is equipped with a heat dissipation window to become a structurally complete electrical product.