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Klüber metal lubricants
{{#if product.featureValues}}{{product.productPrice.formattedPrice}}{{#if product.productPrice.priceType === "PRICE_RANGE" }}- {{product.productPrice.formattedPriceMax}}{{/if}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}{{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
{{/end}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.featureValues}}{{product.productPrice.formattedPrice}}{{#if product.productPrice.priceType === "PRICE_RANGE" }}- {{product.productPrice.formattedPriceMax}}{{/if}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}{{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
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Impregnating fluid for sinteredmetalplain bearings CONSTANT GL 2000 is an impregnating fluid based on mineral oil for the low-noiselubricationof sinteredmetalplain bearings subject ...
Klüber Lubrication

... contains an additional soap such that mixed friction is largely prevented. The advanced specialitylubricant设计提供了一生lubricationover a wide service temperature range, with added ...
Klüber Lubrication

Priming and contrastlubricantcontaining graphite for open drives GRAFLOSCON A-G 1 ULTRA is an easy-to-spread adhesivelubricantbased on an aluminium complex soap thickener, mineral oil and a high ...
Klüber Lubrication

Running-inlubricantfor open drives GRAFLOSCON B-SG 00 ULTRA is a sprayable running-inlubricantwith a mineral base oil. It contains aluminium stearate as a thickener and solidlubricant...
Klüber Lubrication

Special syntheticlubricatinggreases for pneumatic drives and sealing elements Klübersynth AR 34-401 and -402 are synthetic wide-range greases based on a special calcium soap thickener. They are free from raw materials ...
Klüber Lubrication

Synthetic impregnating oils for sinteredmetalplain bearings CONSTANT OY oils are syntheticlubricantsbased on synthetic hydrocarbons. With their additives and their particular composition, these ...
Klüber Lubrication

High-temperaturelubricatingoils for sinteredmetalplain bearings and plastic components Klüberalfalubricants, based on perfluorinated polyether (PFPE), were developed to fulfil ...
Klüber Lubrication

... used for lifetimelubricationof sinteredmetalplain bearings. Benefits for your application Low friction torque Resistant to oxidation Synthetic Good viscosity-temperature behaviour Lifetime ...
Klüber Lubrication

Metalworking oil Klübercut CO 6-102 is ametal-working oil. It is environmentally compatible and can be usedformetalcutting and punching processes. This high-quality metalworking ...
Klüber Lubrication

Metalworking oil for nonferrousmetalsKlübercut ST 6-703 is a thin-bodied mixture of glycol and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Its synthetic structure provides improved lubricity during the cutting ofnon ferrous metals...
Klüber Lubrication
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