三丰公司multi-sensor coordinate measuring machines

1company |2爱游戏ayx守望先锋
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dual horizontal arm coordinate measuring machine
dual horizontal arm coordinate measuring machine

X travel: 6000、4000、8000毫米
Y travel: 1,400, 1,600 mm
Z travel: 2,000, 2,600, 2,400 mm

…YZ-axis. It has ameasuringrange of ( X,Y,Z) 4000-8000mm x 1400-1600mm x 2000 - 2600mm, with an accuracy of (18+20L/1000)µm* and a resolution of 1µm. Car BodyMeasuringSystemMICROCORD ...

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coordinate measuring machine with horizontal arm
coordinate measuring machine with horizontal arm
MACH series

X travel: 900, 600 mm
Y travel: 1,000, 500 mm
Z travel: 600, 280 mm

…machining. These high throughputmachinescan be incorporated within the manufacturing line and can provide pre/postmachiningfeedback to yourmachinetools for process tuning. Agile ...

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